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William O'Neil

William O'Neil was born on March 25, 1933 in Oklahoma City and grew in Texas. It studied business at the Southern Methodist university received degree of the bachelor and left to serve in the U.S. Air Force.

Here he for the first time tests as the investor, having taken for the small sum shares of at that time developing Procter & Gamble company. Securities make profit and O'Neil seriously reflects on game at stock exchange. For this purpose it graduates from business school of the Southern Methodist university. The got education didn't approach William to understanding of laws of stockjobbing.

Then it starts their studying independently: for few years of O'Neil collected the huge library consisting of two thousand books, devoted to stock market. However, really useful books among them less than ten was gained. And the basis of its future theory was formed only by one. It was the book "Fight for an Investment Survival" of Gerald Loeba. Tactics described in the book allowed O'Neil to remove the basic rule risk management – need of sale of a security as soon as it decreased in the price more, than by seven percent. The pedantry of O'Neil in following to this rule allowed it to keep more than once means during recessions and crises of stock market.

To a securities market gain William O'Neil takes the first step in 1958 when it is employed the broker by the company Hayden, Stone & Company. To achieve success in trading it tries to seize methods of the analysis of the market in perfection.

Over time to O'Neil the understanding comes that the materials prepared by analysts of the Wall Street and the conclusions based on them don't approach it to success. Then, rejecting the stereotype extended among investors that the securities placed in the market at the underestimated cost can make the greatest profit only, it starts sticking means in the "overestimated" actions. This idea of O'Neil suggested to the analysis of results of financial operations of the most productive traders of that time. In his opinion, placement of securities at obviously low price with a high probability speaks about problems of the issuer, so, about any benefit there can't be a speech.

The developed strategy increased William O'Neil's capital from five dollars to two hundred thousand within one year and allowed to open the analitiko-broker company William O'Neil and To. The company bought a place at the New York stock exchange where O'Neil became one of the youngest traders. Today the company, besides operations on the stock exchange, is engaged in preparation of analytical materials for 550 corporate clients and about thirty thousand followers of analytical service Daily Graphs, and its field of activity covers 7500 securities having official quotations. Feature of the analysis of experts William O'Neil and To consists in comprehensive in-depth study of actions and their issuers in historical and modern aspect. As the main method of the analysis of securities the CAN SLIM system developed by O'Neil serves. It is the abbreviation consisting of the first letters of names of criteria of an assessment:

- With (current earnings per share) — quarterly profitability of an action with increase at least for 15% a quarter.

- A (annual earnings) — annual profitability of actions at least for 25% to previous year within 3 years.

- N (new product) — a new product, a great demand.

- S (supply demand) — not important what volume corporation — the main thing volumes of transactions.

- L (leader or laggard) — the leader or lagging behind, has to be number one.

- I (institutional sponsorship) — has to be feed of large players growing in volume.

- M (market direction) — a trend in the market has to be growing (one of three golden rules of investment).

Now William O'Neil, besides company management, is engaged in teaching activity and issues the Investor's Business Daily newspaper which pressed in The Wall Street Journal — the monopolist in this sphere and has about 260 thousand followers.

Category: The best traders | Added by: Chance23 (31.05.2014)
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