Tom DeMark - invented lately tens original technical indicators and it is necessary only on the technical principles of a choice of time in the research activity and trading.
Demark remembers the first work: "I was the professional errand boy. I was lower than all in the company, but quickly rose because was well able to choose time for operations".
Tom DeMark finished postgraduate study in two directions – law and business. Further in the seventies it began the career of the financier in known investment company National Investment Service where he worked as the leading analyst. The company was engaged in investment of pension and other joint assets within three hundred million US dollars in various securities making absolute profit. Demark perfectly coped with work and quickly promoted, having raised the status in the company, and already then he successfully chose a moment for transaction.
It characterizes the researches as commission of a right choice of a timepoint for transaction. For this purpose it doesn't use the standard trend characteristics for the analysis, and applies developed by it technical an indicator to detection of regularities and a prediction of recession of price characteristics that isn't typical for behavior of other traders.
Tom DeMark published one of the technical indicators under the Sequendal trademark. This indicator considers behavior of the price in the market as cyclic regularity, but as intervals equal intervals of time, and intervals on which there were essential changes in price including for last periods, and are compared that gives the grounds for the further forecast of behavior of market prices undertake not.
Demark wrote such books as "New art of the technical analysis", and also "New technologies of a choice of time for market transactions: innovative researches of a market rhythm and price falling". According to him in these books it for the first time describes twenty technical indicators four of which it actively used in the course of work at Paul Tudor Jones, and the others are a result of their joint works with Larry Williams.
DeMark didn't concentrate in any certain markets, its researches are universal and are suitable for any kind of transactions. It at the same time covered all questions in a subject investigated by it, and left certain places with gaps that the reader could finish thinking about some moments itself. Its indicators are convenient in use and in ninety nine cases from hundred yield right result, however according to him it won't save you from risks absolutely. For faultless, successful trading by more important, than indicators, the good organization of work of your finance, sense of proportion and the acquired skills is.