George Soros was born in Budapest on August 12, 1930 in the Jewish average-income family. George's father was the lawyer and the publisher (I tried to issue the magazine on Esperanto). At the time of repressions thanks to the false documents made by the father, Soros's family avoided prosecution by nazis and in 1947 emigrated to Great Britain where George Soros was admitted for study to the London To school of Economy.
In 1969 George Soros, having rather modest capital and having entered debts, together with the partner I founded the international investment fund "Quantum Group of Funds". He was engaged in risky operations in the market of the state securities, and also in the commodity and currency markets.
In the early eighties Soros starts creating charity foundations. The idea of creation of open society in the totalitarian states became the central idea of its charity. George Soros created the theory of open society which was development of views of the philosopher Karl Popper. The democratic state, market economy and guarantee of freedom of mass media became the most important concepts of this concept.
In the USSR in 1988 Soros also opened charity foundation under nazvany "A cultural initiative" which purpose there was a cultural, scientific development, increase of educational level. But activity of this fund was suspended in connection with deliberate concealment of means and their inappropriate use.
Through quite long period in 1995 it was decided to resume attempt in Russia then the next fund under the name "Open Society" was created.
Since 1996 George Soros sponsors the project "University Centers Internet" which main task was the equipment and development for five years in thirty two higher educational institutions of the Russian Federation of the centers of boundless access to Internet space.
George Soros sponsors this project only partially, its part made about hundred million US dollars, other financial loading was assumed by the government of Russia of thirty million US dollars. The government of the Russian Federation fulfilled the assumed obligations completely and without delays.
There are two main points of view concerning Soros's financial progress. According to the first point of view, удачами Soros is obliged by the to gift of financial anticipation. Another says that in adoption of important decisions George Soros uses the insider information provided by high-ranking officials from political and financial numbers of the largest countries of the world.
In the world financial markets Soros carried out the main speculation through the Quantum Fund NV hedge fund registered as the offshore company on the Caribbean island of Curacao belonging to the Netherlands. It is the largest fund in controlled Soros Quantum Group of Funds groups.
Well-known Soros became after "the black environment" on September 16, 1992. It is considered that in one day its profit made more than billion dollars. This day there was a sharp reduction in cost of pound sterling concerning DM, and many connect this sharp falling with Soros's activity though his role in it is strongly exaggerated.
George Soros is also known as the popular author. He wrote many articles, and also such books issued from its pen as "Alchemy of finance" (1987), "Opening the Soviet system" (1990), "Supporting democracy" (1991).