Edward Arthur Seykota was born on August 7, 1946.
The Professifonalny trader, trades at commodity exchange. In youth he attended school near the Dutch city of Hague, lived in Forburge.
Then Seykota graduated from Massachusetts Institute of Technology in the early seventies and was engaged in development of the first commodity exchange system and was one of the first who started using tabulating computers of that time for check of the analytical ideas. As the trader Richard Donchian's article from which it drew a conclusion had essential impact on Edward Seykota's formation that purely mechanical system following a tendency, is capable to overcome the market. Edward wrote computer programs (then they still were on punched cards) to check these conclusions in practice. Strangely enough, they were true. Then Seykota decided that much more fascinatingly to analyze the markets and to put money for the forecasts prospects of any other career and began to be engaged only in trading, earning by it a living.
In the early seventies Seykota went to work in major broker company where he developed and introduced in practice the first commercial computer trade system for management of means of clients in the future markets. This system was rather profitable, however return from it significantly decreased because of intervention of the management of firm which corrected its signals. This circumstance accelerated Seykota's transition to independent trade.
In the next years Seykota applied the systematized approach to management of own account and a small amount of client accounts. For this period on the accounts operated by Seykota, amazing level of the income was recorded. So, for example, to the middle of 1988 one of client accounts on which initially, that is in 1972, there were 5000 dollars, grew more than by 250000 percent in terms of money (and if to consider the current removal of money, this indicator would grow to several million percent).
Edward Seykota is not simply professional trader, and the real genius of the auction who managed to define the basic principles of behavior of the prices, repeating on different types of the markets. Its quantitative and systematic approach to the auction served as a starting point for many theories. Besides, Seykota is the recognized genius in the field of human psychology. Acquaintances respond about it as about the open, emotional person, capable to joke. However at its manners and the speech there is a thoughtfulness and gravity. To it attribute talent briefly and visually to explain difficult concepts.