Bill Williams – the multimillionaire and one of the most unique persons in the market of futures. He is the author of best-sellers on exchange trade, and also the founder of Profitunity Trading Group school. Williams received the popularity, having created the revolutionary direction of the analysis of the markets – the Theory of Trade Chaos, having called into question the importance of the fundamental and technical analysis.
Bill Williams is the author of books" Trade Chaos"," New measurements in exchange trade"," Trade Chaos 2" in which the main concepts which are cornerstone of its trade methods are stated.
The first edition of the book "Trade Chaos" did a lot of noise among exchange traders and analysts who at first sharply criticized Bill Williams's theory, after all it rejected such pillars of the market forecast as the fundamental and technical analysis. But soon there were followers and admirers of a new method, in many programs of the graphic analysis began to turn on Williams's indicators, they were shined in specialized periodicals.
In the theory which Bill Williams calls a new view on the market, he claims that all markets – the natural phenomenon, their movement can't be predicted methods of classical science, and especially, using the fundamental and technical analysis. The first underwent criticism for the reason that capitalization of the companies is influenced by too many factors, it is impossible to foresee which direction of development, and the second for the linearity and inflexibility, and its component, the analysis and forecasting of movement of the prices by means of figures, is called in the book "guessing on a coffee thick".
New strategy essentially changes approach to trading – it isn't necessary to predict the direction of movement of the market, it is necessary to move together with it, to what party it wouldn't move. The Fractal geometry invented by Williams and such concepts is the basis for strategy as Awesome Oscillator — AO, by Acceleration/Deceleation Oscillator — AC.
Using the Chaos Theory, Bill Williams suggests the trader to remain alone with the market, having rejected all superfluous, in view of only movement of the price. Using the technicians described in the book "Trade Chaos", the trader will be able to open a position at the time of trend origin, and in case of a turn of a trend to record the most part of profit or to close a position with the minimum losses.